Don’t let a ladder fall ruin your Christmas
Posted on 12th Dec, 2012 | By Lorretta Tatham
Hundreds of emergency hospital visits each year are caused by ladder accidents.
If you are planning to put up Christmas lights this year, think about your safety. Don’t be one of the unlucky ones that spend their holidays on a hospital ward.
Safety always starts with proper planning, and each plan should include an inspection of your ladders and lights.
Browns Ladders recommends implementing these safety measures:
1. Inspect your ladder properly! This is especially important for ladders that have out of service for a while.
2. If it doesn’t look safe, it probably isn’t.
3. Make sure you ladder is on an even surface. Don’t place a ladder on top of other objects.
4. At least one person should always be holding the ladder base while someone else is on it.
5. To ensure a safe angle, put the ladder base a foot away from whatever you are planning to lean it against for every four feet of height.
6. If you’re going to use a stepladder check, and double check that it is securely locked.
7. If you need to climb onto another surface, like a roof, make sure the ladder extends at least three feet past it so you have something to hold onto.
8. Tall ladder need secured by fastening on the ladder to prevent the movement.
9. Under no circumstances step on the top rung of any type of ladder.
10. Always keep both your feet on the ladder.
11. Face the ladder when ascending or descending.
12. Don’t leave your ladders unattended.