How to engage your team during National Safety Month 2022
Posted on 6th Jun, 2022 | By Cameron Fitzwilliam
June is National Safety Month! Though it started as an American event, its subject matter is fairly universal, so there’s no reason why you can’t adopt some of the key aspects of National Safety Month to engage your workforce and generate awareness around some of the more pressing issues surrounding safety in the workplace.
It’s a great opportunity for you to share a couple of ways in which your team can practice preparedness, wellness, as well as prevent falls and injuries. This is something we take very seriously here at Brown’s Safety Services, so here are some ideas on how you and your team can engage with national safety month, while raising awareness around the dangers that they face on a daily basis.
Conduct safety training classes
Enrolling in health and safety training courses is one of the best ways to give your team a refresher on some of the main points surrounding health and safety in the workplace. They’re ideal for making sure everyone’s on the same page, and up to date with the latest standards and practices. And if you’re looking to reduce liabilities and promote a safer working atmosphere by enrolling your team in a health and safety training course, we can help. We offer a range of health and safety training courses here Brown’s Safety, covering a range of areas from manual handling training courses, working at height training courses and much more.
Host a safety awareness lunch
Sometimes, choosing an informal approach is the best way to get information across, even for the most serious topics. This is a great way to get your workforce engaged with important information, while in an enjoyable, social atmosphere. Hosting a lunch is great way to get everyone together so you can distribute any important material regarding safety tips that can help prevent work related injuries or illnesses. You can also use this time to explain that safety awareness must be a top priority among all employees to create the safest working conditions possible. Oh, and obviously don’t forget to let people actually enjoy their lunch, too – it works best when everyone is in a happy, relaxed environment, rather than being ambushed with leaflets over the desserts.
Put on some safety awareness games
If the informal approach appeals to you, why not take it one step further? By integrating a competitive element into proceedings, you can be sure that you’ll create an engaging environment where people can have fun, as well as recap useful safety information that’s valid to your business. Personally, we’d recommend creating a quiz which focuses on health and safety in the workplace, and adding a prize for the winner. This is a great way of creatively evaluating your workplace, while getting across vital information that can help to keep your workforce safe.
Distribute some safety awareness material
Finally, the simplest way you can engage the safety awareness of your workforce is by distributing material that reminds them that most accidents that occur on the job can be prevented. If you compile some data on worker injuries that occur in places that your workers might not initially think of (such as those that occur in your very own break room), then it’s possible that the added shock value will help make the information stick in their minds.
As an added tip – National Safety Month is also a good opportunity to check your safety supplies and first aid kits. If needs be, replace any missing items such as medicines, bandages, band-aids and so on.
And in case you and your team are in need of a refresher on some of the basic principles regarding health and safety, we offer a variety of training courses that you can get enrolled on right here at Browns Safety. Our courses are specifically designed to help you and your staff re-familiarise yourselves with some of the basic principles of safety in the workplace, so you can cut down on the risk of accidents or injuries.
Your safety is our priority, so if you’re looking to get started, you can book your places by clicking on the link above. Alternatively, just give our team a call on 01282 937120, and we’ll get you sorted!